W2S also in Leipzig – for the right to stay and solidarity, against deportations and exclusion.
With different actions like demonstrations, information meetings, workshops and flash mobs, we want to make our voice in solidarity heard all over the city! #time2rise
Come together, talk, connect and let‘s find ways for living together in solidarity.
18th March // Saturday
10 a.m. anti-racist action on the demo from Leipzig nimmt Platz against nazis, further information: https://www.facebook.com/
Theater: The Asylum Dialogues – 6 p.m. CineDing (Karl-Heine-Str. 83)
The second production of the Actors for Human Rights tells the story of encounters, which change people and from united struggles in unexpected moments. After the performance, a discussion with representatives from different anti-racist initiatives in Leipzig will take place. Free admission, donations welcome.
19th March // Sunday
Solidarity Area in Pöge-Hauss
12 p.m. exhibition opening “We Will Rise!”
1.30 p.m. Input: Sanctuary/Solidarity City – Utopia or practice? Tables for different topics: law, health, housing, work #getinformed
2.30 p.m. Workshops: How can practice be developed from theory? Let’s develop strategies for living together in solidarity!
3 p.m. Samosa Cooking Workshop with interaction Leipzig
from 7 p.m. food for everybody and music from Resonance Community
We create a safe space for discussion and exchange!
20th March // Monday
6 p.m. Information event on the new european asylum law Dublin IV at Helmut with Ineumanity and Refugee Law Clinic Leipzig
from 8 p.m. food for everybody, bar and music from Dresdner59
21st March // Tuesday
4.30 p.m. Coffee and cake in zweieck, afterwards Sprachwerkstatt (eng. Language Workshop) https://
7 p.m. Information event by the Café Internationale Merseburg about their organization and about the new Asylum Seekers Benefits Act – afterwards solidarity cocktails at Westflügel Leipzig
22nd March // Wednesday
9 p.m. food for everybody by Social Center Leipzig in Helmut
7.30 p.m. information event “Afghanistan is not secure – against every deportation!” in Haus der Demokratie Leipzig: the Afghan community talks about its experiences in Afghanistan
afterwards painting a banner for the demo on 25th March
23rd March // Thursday
6 p.m. open meeting on networking in Helmut:
How do we continue? - Think utopias further!
…and even more! #stay tuned
- Fiight racism - everywhere!